Since 2014 we have been coaching people through strength and movement to overcome the challenges faced by a sedentary society and physical performance. In 2017 we began working with Climbers to improve their performance both on and off the wall.


Our Mission

To help everyday athletes to unlock better health and performance.

The meaning behind the name

An Axis is defined as “An imaginary line about which a body rotates” (Oxford Dictionary).

When we place a foot, a hand or bend a joint this is a point or line that our body rotates around, whether this happens on the climbing wall or during all movement patterns.

A coach is defined as “A closed horse-drawn carriage” and while this may seem like an odd description for what we do, the purpose of a coach is to take people to their destination.

When combined these two definitions become a fitting description for what we are here to pursue:

To help people through their movement journey to the destination they choose.

We do this in two ways:

  1. Climbing Coaching, the constant pursuit of improvement.

  2. Strength and Movement Coaching, to perform and stay injury free we must move well, then set these quality movement patterns by building strength to create resilience and increase the body’s ability to stay injury free.

What We've Achieved

  • Over 200 people helped in 5 years.

  • Worked with Open B Womens Australian Bouldering Champion.

  • Heaviest Client Deadlift over 200kgs.

  • Client to double bodyweight Pull Up

  • West Australian Bouldering State Title Youth B Female Champion

  • West Australian Lead State Title Youth B Female Second Place