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about axis

what our members say…

I’ve been climbing on and off for more than a decade and had initially signed up to Boulder Stronger with some girlfriends for fun. I was worried about injury and training too hard but Ash has a great understanding of climbing movement and importantly knows how to coach around an injury/prevention of one instead of just pushing through. Ash has pushed me to expand my range of climbing styles. I’ve become more powerful and dynamic, and enjoyed the sessions so much that I signed up to a second term of Boulder Stronger. Well, the results speak for themselves: I’ve managed to send some long term projects involving big dynos up to V6 (boulder) and grade 26 (lead) outdoors and they definitely didn’t feel half as hard as they did before training. I’ve made some good progress on new projects “Homophobia” (28) and “Swan Song” (29) - looking forward to more training and trying hard this winter! - ML

I recently started on an Axis Training Plan and it has completely transformed my training. I was previously plagued by all these different theorised weaknesses and my training was an erratic mess. Ash identified shortcomings I never would have and gave me a great targeted program. The format gives you the flexibility to train on your own terms and Ash quickly changes exercises where they aren't working for you. The videos, helpful online conversations and pointers in person make sure your technique and approach are getting you the results you need. I cannot recommend this program enough. - RB

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