Boulder Stronger, A Training Space For The Time Poor Climber.
Today we are going to take a deeper look into Boulder Stronger, Who it’s for and why it exists.
Over the past 2 years of running Boulder Stronger we have had 2 main groups of people attend.
The middle aged climber either busy with work or family who needed a place where all their training for climbing was taken care of, for faster progress and the extra push working with a coach creates.
The v3 to v5 climber who has hit a plateau and needs a change in stimulus to kickstart their progress again.
Being such a focused group of like minded people builds a place of team work and this driven the development of Boulder Stronger programming and coaches to become skilled at creating better change for these 2 groups.
Boulder Stronger is a one stop shop for climbing training, and follow’s the below timeline.
A 10 minute gym warm up, focused on all the things climbers need to focus on to stay healthy and stronger.
A 5-10 minute On the wall warm up, where a coach gives you skills or an area of movement to improve upon in your own climbing.
50-60mins of climbing, here we focus on goals, whether its to get stronger or fitter the 3 programs that run side by side durning the class are tailored to your needs and wants as a climber.
10-15min Strength/Antagonist training, this is essential to healthy climbing habits.
5-10mins Stretch, Create more movement so you have more movement to use on the wall.
Each 6 week block starts with a testing week, here we check out the measurable factors in a climbers ability, their skills at flashing, top end grade sends as well as fitness levels, shoulder health in both range of motion and stability and its also a chance for us as coaches to review the less measurable side of of climbing, Mindset, Focus, Stay-ability and Movement Skills both on and off the wall.
From the testing week we aim to work with each individual to develop a clear set of goals and define what the outcome of each session or block is wanted by the individual and a program is chosen that best suits the current needs of the climber, The unmeasurable’s are brought into the programming by the coach during the individual drop in sessions or over the course of a training block, in essence you are always being challenged to move in new and exciting ways that are specific to you.
How do we individualise each class?
Each class has 3 seperate on the wall focused programs:
Fitness, planning a lead trip? Build up your fitness level on a bouldering wall.
Strength, Bouldering, bouldering, bouldering.
General, become the full package, get stronger and fitter.
Each class is capped at 6 people, we believe in quality over quantity, more than 6 people in a class would start to tip the scales in the wrong direction and our ability to provide the level of service that we feel is essential to climbers to really see progress would be affected.
We get it though, 6 weeks is a bit much to commit too straight off the bat, which is why the intro packs offer a perfect solution, 4 sessions for $99 or 8 for $150 allows you to get assessed and work with a coach in a cost effective manor and to get the tips and exercises both on and off the wall that will most benefit you directly so that you can go and work on them in your own time, we prioritise education and development as we know this creates more chances of having longer term success in anything.
Got a climbing trip coming up soon, get a last minute push so you are in peak physical and mental performance.
Any further questions, let us know and we will be happy to answer either in the comments below or PM.